您现在的位置:苏州市达昇电子材料有限公司 > 公司介绍 |
达昇电子致力于为电子行业提供专业的热管理方案。公司一直以来专注于导热材料研发、界面优化、精益生产,以材料领域的科技创新构筑自身的研发和生产体系。并于清华大学、复旦大学等科研院校建立多层次科研合作。用智慧创造价值,使公司始终处于行业领先地位。 经过多年材料研发和技术积累,以及充分发挥石墨新材料在电子应用的特性和优势,目前公司的高导热的人工石墨产品,已经广泛应用于智能手机、平板电脑、液晶电视、LED照明、太阳能等多个行业。达昇电子的热管理相关产品已在长三角、珠三角电子产品密集区拥有广泛客户,并与众多国际知名厂商形成了紧密的协作关系。
DSN is one of the Chinese leading providers of electronic thermal solution and is specialized in the development, manufacturing and sales of innovative products made from graphite materials. DSN has more than 10 years of experience in this field, and plays a leading role in products, solutions and services in China.
With more than 300 employees, and production sites and subsidiaries in Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta, the company has an extensive presence with market representation in the Smart phones, tablet PCs, LCD & LED TV, LED lighting, and solar energy industry. .
商铺网址:http://hubing1319.cn.vooec.com |